by John Quinn | Thu Feb 2016 | Audience Engagement, Presentation Training, Presentations, Public Speaking
Hey Bill, “I have an awesome opportunity that just came up. I want you to speak in front of the whole organisation about that new project you have been working on”. “Sure John, that sounds great!”:Bill replied. At that point Bills internal...
by John Quinn | Sun Nov 2015 | Presentation Training, Presentations, Public Speaking
We know your presentations don’t mean to be bad; they’re just designed that way. Follow these guidelines to improve your presentations and reduce the needless suffering of audiences and presenters world-wide. It’s quite simple: a PowerPoint®...
by John Quinn | Wed Sep 2015 | PowerPoint Template, Presentations
Amazing Powerpoint Animations – PPT Presentation Design in Dubai What you are about to see is PowerPoint – Yes really – The same software that’s now on 1.6 Billion PCs worldwide. We just use it differently to everyone else. Check it out and get...
by John Quinn | Mon Sep 2015 | Presentations, Public Speaking
“I already know everything there is too know about presenting” I get this often when discussing presentations with people. There is usually two types of responses one is “Help us” and the other is a wall of resistance, “I know everything”. As a...
by John Quinn | Mon Sep 2015 | Uncategorized
Fail to plan, plan to fail – 7 tips when presenting. At some stage most of us will be given the opportunity to speak in front of an audience, a platform to showcase our talents, our knowledge, our experience, to share insight and get some back in return. Isn’t this...