Ultrawide PowerPoint Presentations
Animated ultrawide presentations & trade show backdrops
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Your Ultrawide PowerPoint presentations could be better…
Ultrawide presentations are anything that is a nonstandard 16:9 size. Have you gone to an event or conference these days and seen a huge wide screen as a backdrop to the stage? Really cool yes? But why don’t they allow the presentations to be that size as well? Instead they make everyone present in a standard 16:9 PowerPoint format and place it in Picture-in-Picture (PIP) on the main screen. We think that’s a shame and a waste of beautiful video real estate!
AudienceAlive can help you design a customised animated Ultrawide PowerPoint presentation with the following benefits:
Walk & Talk
Presenters can walk across the stage and present content as it appears – Audiences love this as it helps with storytelling and keeps them engaged.
PowerPoint can be changed right up to the last minute – unlike the other large format software available today PowerPoint is ubiquitous and is easily changed.
Ditch the slide
By using this type of format so much more content can be displayed at once thus resulting in more effective communication.
Check out a video example of an Ultrawide animated PowerPoint presentation below…
Dell’s Trade Show Stand Animated Video at GITEX 2017
In 2017 Dell Technologies reached out to us looking for our help. They need a animated PowerPoint presentation to wrap on the inside of an arch built into their show stand at GITEX. What we produced for them was a show stopper! Check the video out below and see for yourself.
Tell Us What You Need - Only Takes 2 Minutes!

Ban the bullet point
Today’s presentations are lists of bullet points – boring to write, let alone to sit through. Hundreds of slides, thousands of bullet points. Mind-numbing for the audience.

Engage your audience
Our presentations are so engaging they will blow your audience away. You’ll see this in their faces and feel it in the energy in the room.

Present with impact
If you’d like to present with impact, keeping your audience actively engaged throughout your presentation, you are in the right place.

Be different
You will never find one of our presentations with four bullet points and a picture. A consistent theme throughout with a heavy emphasis on image superiority and branding is more our style.

If time is your enemy
Most people today can use existing software such as PowerPoint, Keynote, Flash and Prezi, but who has the time to build a presentation worthy of ovation? We do.

Satisfaction Guaranteed
Let us do it for you. We have done the thinking so you don’t have to. Our impact will be evident on the faces of your next audience – We promise they will thank you.
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