A presentation make or break
“Good communication skills” is a phrase repeatedly used in job descriptions and resumes. These skills, or the lack of them, can make or break an individual’s career. One of the most important communication skills is the ability to present and put your ideas across. Two of the greatest drawbacks people experience in the area of presenting are; firstly lack of confidence which impacts on their performance, and secondly lack of technical expertise in the actual production of their presentation. To combat these twin fears of this monster called “Presenting” you need to know more about it, which will make you realise that it isn’t a monster after all. Presenting is a learned skill. It takes knowledge, time, and practice to become an effective presenter.
A presentation make or break
“Good communication skills” is a phrase repeatedly used in job descriptions and resumes. These skills, or the lack of them, can make or break an individual’s career. One of the most important communication skills is the ability to present and put your ideas across. Two of the greatest drawbacks people experience in the area of presenting are; firstly lack of confidence which impacts on their performance, and secondly lack of technical expertise in the actual production of their presentation. To combat these twin fears of this monster called “Presenting” you need to know more about it, which will make you realise that it isn’t a monster after all. Presenting is a learned skill. It takes knowledge, time, and practice to become an effective presenter.
This programme has been developed to disrupt the norm!
Death-by-PowerPoint, Bullet-Points, Reading slides; these are just some of the mistakes today’s presenters make when trying to communicate effectively. Attendees who are already good at making presentations, are eligible to attend this course. This programme has been developed to disrupt the norm. Attendees leave the course with key tools and techniques which change their presentations forever. The result is more memorable and impactful, and ultimately seals a deal or nails a point home.
Online or In-person Training – you choose
Our programme has been developed to help increase knowledge about the fundamentals of effective presentations, learn new skills and techniques on putting presentations together, and become acquainted with the latest the world of multimedia technology has to offer us. Audiencealive can provide training on the methodology of delivering the presentations and how to make basic changes to the presentation covering the latest PowerPoint technology.
Audience Alive master PowerPoint animator course
Find free content
Convert bulleted lists into
Tips and Tricks
Slide layouts and slide master
Design business process and timeline slides
Sourcing media
Find free images in PowerPoint
Remove picture backgrounds
Making charts/diagrams with impact
Edit & trim videos
Learn amazing animations
Using slide sections
Adding Hyperlinking
Fonts and embedding
Designing slides with music and voice over then exporting as videos
Choosing the best color combinations, visual elements for your content