The Brief
The team at NZNO approached AudienceAlive via a production company in Wellington, NZ for an online solution for their members to vote live on resolutions at their 2020 AGM. With the impact of Covid19 members were unable to attend their AGM in person and it was decided to move the event online using Zoom videoconferencing. The challenge was that different members had different voting weightages and these needs to be reflected in any live vote.
The Solution
Audience Alive supplied a customised voting app which also combined the voting weights of each member. During the meeting the members voted live on a separate smartphone whilst watching the AGM on a computer. Each weighted vote from the members was sent to AudienceAlive’s voting computer, cross-referenced against the weightage allocation, tabulated and then shared live to all members via Zoom. This process took just a matter of seconds for each vote.
Lots of planning went into the smooth running of this AGM. The app was customised to meet the requirements of the NZNO returning officer and AudienceAlive provided three separate training sessions prior to the meeting to ensure all members understood the process and felt comfortable with the technology.
Below are some (non specific) examples of the types of slides we created for the NZNO AGM.
The Verdict:
The team at NZNO were very happy with how it turned out. They found that the system worked well and provided a full set of reports detailing the voting results with the weightages. Here’s a quotation from Debbi who was managing the event:
“I really appreciate the time you spent on this! Thanks so much for all your help, we are excited to work with you in the future and see what snazzy ideas you come up with next!”