by John Quinn | Thu May 2020 | Audience Engagement, Presentation Training, Presentations, Public Speaking
Being based in New Zealand we are one of the first countries to come out of the Covid19 disaster. Today folks went back to work and next week schools with restart albeit with distancing. Today the PM Jacinda announced that events can restart soon with a max of 100...
by John Quinn | Sun Sep 2016 | Presentation Training, Presentations
Working in a presentation design agency one of the biggest challenges we face in our business is scope creep. Scope creep usually occurs when the original brief, creeps past the confines of its original goals and objectives. Scope creep can have a number of negative...
by John Quinn | Sun Mar 2016 | Audience Engagement, Presentation Training, Public Speaking
When people ask me for advice on creating their presentation I always ask them the same questions. Our natural response when told we have a presentation is to look for an old deck that worked before without even asking ourselves if its still relevant or we dive...
by John Quinn | Sun Nov 2015 | Presentation Training, Presentations, Public Speaking
We know your presentations don’t mean to be bad; they’re just designed that way. Follow these guidelines to improve your presentations and reduce the needless suffering of audiences and presenters world-wide. It’s quite simple: a PowerPoint®...
by John Quinn | Mon Sep 2015 | Presentations, Public Speaking
“I already know everything there is too know about presenting” I get this often when discussing presentations with people. There is usually two types of responses one is “Help us” and the other is a wall of resistance, “I know everything”. As a...